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Delve into the world of preparation and metallography with different inspirational articles. Here, our materialographic application experts and other specialists share their challenges, solutions, and results on different topics.

  • Get detailed insight into specific materialographic topics
  • Explore research, findings and new methodology from around the materialographic world
  • Expand your knowledge and understanding of materialography

From idea to realization


Foundry g&p

Foundries: Revolutionize Quality Control

Are you working in a foundry and looking for metallographic advice for every step in the quality control area? This brand-new article from the Struers team will discuss the steps and techniques to prepare metal specimens, focusing on how to prepare, verify and check hardness for Cast Iron and Aluminium. Discover how to fine grind and polish your unmounted specimens in 10 minutes, produce a verification analysis in 30 seconds and produce fast hardness test results.

Foundry Hardness Testing

Hardness Testing and Verification in Foundries

In the dynamic area of quality control within Foundries, the assurance of quality and rapid results in verification and hardness tests are paramount. Yet, the task of sample verification often presents challenges, consuming valuable time. This article delves into streamlined approaches to generate a verification analysis within 30 seconds, ensuring uniformity across all samples. Explore the insights into selecting the optimal hardness test method for your specific requirements.

Copper Acetate Dendrites

What is metallography?

In short, metallography can be defined as the science and art of studying the microstructure of different metals and metal alloys.

Read this article to understand the differences between metallography and materialography and how does that impact the choice of preparation methods?
We take a closer look at the history, the applications, and the analysis of both metallography and materialography.

Electrolytic preparation

‘Can you prepare this for me real quick?’

Electrolytic preparation offers a range of benefits compared to mechanical preparation, not least a shortened preparation time and virtually deformation-free material removal, especially in soft and tough materials. But it has drawbacks, too. So, when is electrolytic preparation most effective?

In this article, the results of a Round Robin Test, done by working group “Sample Preparation” of German Materials Society, involving 10 different labs to assess the drawbacks and benefits of electrolytic preparation, giving detailed recommendations for certain materials in comparison to mechanical preparation. It’s a must-read for labs that are considering electrolytic preparation as a way to meet fast turnaround times.

Austenite Grain size

Grain size determination on austenitic steels

Grain size is a key parameter in materials technology. But automatic determination of grain size in high-alloy austenitic steels can be tricky due to twinning and other specific problems caused by materials properties.

This article outlines the results of a Round Robin Test, done by working group “Sample Preparation” of German Materials Society. It shows the possibilities when preparing corrosion resistant austenitic steels for grain size measurements, using mechanical and electrolytical preparation methods, and illuminates contrasting by chemical and electrolytical etching.


New Metallurgy Insights In Automatic and Semi-automatic Grinding and Polishing

Read our brand new article with videos, top tips and step by step guide for grinding and polishing Titanium. This article demonstrates Struers three-step methods for Titanium and how to get fast accurate results. This article provides a step-by- step guid for everything that Metallurgists, Material Scientists and Lab Technicians needs to know to prepare Ti 6/4.

You will learn how to perform grain analysis on this ductile material without using harsh chemicals using polarised light.

Hardness testing on HVOF coatings

Hardness testing and microscopic evaluation of carbidic HVOF spray coatings

Carbidic coatings are used as wear protection in certain industries – and hardness is a key indicator of coating quality. But what is an acceptable hardness fluctuation range and what causes fluctuations when hardness testing HVOF (high velocity oxygen fuel) spray coatings?

In this article, the results of a Round Robin Test, done by working group “Sample Preparation” of German Materials Society, involving 19 companies and institutes to determine the potential hardness fluctuation range of carbidic HVOF spray coatings. The article describes the preparation and methods and microscopic evaluation in detail, giving you a clear methodology and indicator of acceptable hardness fluctuations.

Meet the Specialists


Based on years of experience from a wide variety of industries, the Struers Application Specialist Team enables our customers all over the world to discover new opportunities for enhancing quality control, failure analysis, and productivity. You can also depend on our Application Specialists to develop and pass on new applications and methods to help you meet evolving needs.

  • Twenty-seven Application Specialists in nine countries
  • Theoretical knowledge at the highest academic level
  • Expertise in practical hands-on training
  • Dedicated commitment to knowledge sharing
  • Always ready to help

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